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About Us

The Missouri Osteopathic Auxiliary was organized by Mrs. Homer E Bailey during the 35th Annual Convention of the Missouri Osteopathic Association which met in Jefferson City, October 16-18, 1935.

At every opportunity the Auxiliary has attempted to unite the spouses of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons and to create a better understanding of Osteopathic Medicine among lay people and thus aid in the improvement of public health. As philanthropic projects, Student Loan Funds, Research, Progress Fund, Scholarship Funds, and Still Log Cabin fund were adopted, financial gifts were given by both State and District Auxiliaries.

Scrapbooks containing publicity notices and clippings of Auxiliary events throughout the state have been maintained. Newsletters and yearbooks have been published, with awards received on the National Auxiliary level.

The auxiliary became a member of AAOA in 1944, and several of its members were active in that organization's beginning. Places of distinction have been held by Missouri members serving as AAOA officers and committee members. In 1949 the name was changed to the Auxiliary to the Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons.

A Nursing Scholarship was established to honor a state member, Mrs. Russell Glaser. The first was awarded in 1957 in the amount of $300. By 1987, the value of the scholarship was $1,500. This was a tremendous public relations tool.

At the request of MAOPS, a campaign to "Design a D.O. Medallion" was a project of the Auxiliary. A program was developed in Missouri high schools, and information about Osteopathic Medicine was available to all participants. Dana (Chester) Pierce was the artist who designed the medallion. The MAOPS Awards Committee votes to give the D.O. Medallion to persons contributing to the Osteopathic Profession in Missouri, and distinguished Auxiliary members have been recipients.

Student Associate Auxiliaries are active at the Kirksville and Kansas City Osteopathic Colleges, and advisors are provided by the State Auxiliary. SAA representatives attend the State and National Annual Meetings.

Funding by AMAOPS, a professionally prepared Osteopathic Medicine ad was published in a 1986 issue of the Saturday Evening Post magazine. This Auxiliary was instrumental in starting an Osteopathic Ad Campaign on the national level and , with the cooperation of all in the Osteopathic Family, this has been considered a successful project.

In 1993 the remaining Nursing Scholarship moneys became the "seed money" for a new project. Named the D.O. Care Fund, its purpose is to "distribute funds for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes that promote and support Osteopathic Medicine." Since it inception, over $10,000 has been given for research, hospital library, Still National Osteopathic Museum, and book covers.

AMAOPS adopted the Light for Life Foundation's Yellow Ribbon Program for Teen Suicide Prevention as a project. Book covers with information about the program as well as Osteopathic Medicine have been distributed to Missouri high schools. In addition, AMAOPS has sponsored programs and assisted a Yellow Ribbon Chapter.

Charter members of the State Auxiliary and those who have been members during the years recognized that ours is an organization with a unity of purpose and a binding commitment of love, education, service, and community that is shared by our Osteopathic Family across the State of Missouri and the Nation. Let us continue to move onward.


Credit and appreciation for much of this history goes to JoAnn Hunter (Mrs. Harlen) who wrote the history for the 1988 Yearbook. The additions covering the period since then were prepared by Ann Carter (Mrs. Rex).


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Our Mission

Our Mission

This organization shall unite all interested persons with Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in Missouri for the purpose of creating a better understanding of Osteopathic Medicine among lay people and thus aid in the improvement of public health.

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Our Vision

To be a place where we support, encourage, and educate families, spouses, partners, and significant others of osteopathic physicians and surgeons in the benefits of a lifestyle that embodies balance in mind, body, and spirit to promote the greatest level of health within the families of medical practitioners.

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